


An internship can be one of your most important seminary experiences as you discern your gifts and call to ministry. Your internship should include a broad range of ministry experiences which align with your vocational aspirations. Important elements of an internship include a mentoring relationship, participation alongside you by lay leaders and 领域的教育 personnel, 和神学的反思和融合. During your internship you will be prepared to serve as competent and spiritually sensitive ministers in the Christian church at home and abroad. Therefore, a minimum of one semester of internship will be in the congregational context.

Your internship must involve pastoral supervision and colleague participation(laity committee, 队列组, 实地教育办事处, 等.). 主管和导师必须是认真对待问题的人, 甚至被, 指导和支持角色. Such support persons should be consistently and intentionally present for consultation and encouragement. Your ministry setting must also provide constructive evaluation and space for self-reflection.

Your internship should be a paid internship that cultivates personal and professional investment for both you and the ministry setting. 实习生不应该被认为是为教会服务的廉价劳动力. 而不是, 这是你练习天赋和技能的机会, 也让事工领袖在你的牧灵培育上投资. It is understood that several churches who would benefit from an intern, 并准备成为学生的学习社区, are not financially able to pay for a student’s services and could consider other alternatives of compensation. The 领域的教育 staff can provide information concerning pay scale, 里程, 以及其他成本项目.

All internship placements must first be cleared with the 实地教育办事处 to assure that the internship fulfills the requirements of your degree. All necessary internship forms should be requested directly from the 实地教育办事处 in the basement of Nyvall Hall.


  1. You must submit a signed 实习 Agreement to the field education department at the beginning of your internship. 此表格启动以下重要项目:
    1. A welcome letter from the field education department to your supervisor, containing pertinent information regarding their responsibilities for your learning experience
    2. 注册实习学分, which can be done up to two weeks after the first day of any semester. Students who do not submit their 实习 Agreement in time to be registered at the beginning of a semester will be registered for their internship credit in a subsequent semester. Students will not be registered after the second week of the semester.
  2. 神学硕士 (MDiv) students are required to complete 8 credit hours of internship, 这可以通过以下方式之一来实现:
    1. 两个全日制学期, earning 4 credits each semester by working a minimum of 30 to 40 hours per week
    2. 四个学期的兼职, 每学期至少取得2个学分, 每周工作15 - 20小时
  3. 基督教教育艺术硕士 (MACF) students are required to complete 4 credit hours of internship, 这可以通过以下方式之一来实现:
    1. One full-time semester, earning all 4 credits by working a minimum of 30 to 40 hours per week
    2. 两到四个学期的兼职, earning 1 or 2 credits per semester by 每周工作15 - 20小时
  4. You are required to participate in online classroom discussions with other NPTS students currently enrolled in internship residency experiences. 每个月都会发布反思问题以供群组讨论, 并旨在产生个人和社区的反思, 对你的学习经历提供反馈, 培养同事之间的合作和倾听技巧. Each of these are important skills that will be practiced throughout your career.
  5. 你必须在每个实习学期结束时提交一份报告, or a final evaluation at the conclusion of all internship residency credit requirements. 这将通过在线课堂工具(Moodle)完成。. This required report is a valuable tool for reflecting on the semester’s experiences, 重新评估你的目标, 确定你的优势和成长领域.



It is your (the student’s) responsibility to schedule regular meetings with your supervisor to review responsibilities, 反思事工经验和学习目标, 为了评估工作. 导师必须提交以下材料:

  • 确认他们已经阅读了你的期末报告
  • 中点评估
  • 最后的评估


It is your (the student’s) responsibility to schedule and lead the meetings with your lay committee in order to elicit feedback concerning your ministry. 邀请他们提供关于你的特定位置的见解, 反思你的工作, 和你一起祈祷. 这个委员会将是评估你实习的一个来源. 他们的反馈让你对你的事工有一个更全面的看法. 教友委员会成员将提交以下文件:

  • 每个人都要完成公开见证/讲道评估
  • 一个俗人委员会的中间评价
  • 一个俗人委员会的最终评估


Your spouse will share their observations about the internship experience at the mid-point and at the end of your internship. You are encouraged to see this as a forum for your spouse to express their feelings about ministry and to offer their insights. 你的配偶须提交以下资料:

  • 中点评估
  • 最后的评估


Some students desire to complete a full-time internship prior to their first year of academic study on campus at 北公园神学院. 这个选项可能对MDiv学生特别有用, 而且可能是在集会场所, 担任营牧, 或其他专门的事工设置. 欲知详情,请点击 联系实地教育办公室.


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